Respect for nature - Love the planet -

You can buy our products reassuring as they are produced with respect for nature

We don't cut trees to make our bracelets. We use wood, lumber that have been naturally broken down by natural disasters.
The series of Jindai bracelets are trees extracted from the earth submerged for years under the rubble of volcanic eruptions.
Or Kumano is a seismic area so here we use trees fallen by earthquakes or, as on the Yakushima island, trees uprooted by the fury of the sea during typhoons.


Our products are made from trees that are 1000 years old or more as the tree has reached the end of its days and when we take one we plant a new trees.

ABOUT WATER resource in the fabric

First of all, it does not use any type of medicine or resin in the elaborations process of the stones.

 We use the water from the tap water but try to use it in the smallest quantity possible.

For big machines that use large quantities of water we make sure to reuse it as many times as possible before discarding it.

 For small machines that polishing the stone, the quantity of water used is small and the same system is used.

 Once they have finished using the water, they block it inside a tank in the fabric and let it settle (the fragments of the cut stones settle inside the used water).

 Then after the first sedimentation step, they send the water out of the factory and into 50mm long pumps and once again let it settle.

Then they pass the cloth through the sedimentation tank and pass it to another 3 levels of sedimentation. (till the stones to settle at the bottom)

 When the water is purified (we made the same process 3 times) then starting from the highest level of water and send it clean back up the river.