Five lucky incenses: IseJinguMiyamasugi
Five lucky incenses: IseJinguMiyamasugi
A new shaped cut-out incense has been added to our popular incense series!
"Inko" refers to incense shaped like auspicious symbols and motifs.
This is our original, carefully crafted product—additive-free, fragrance-free, and proudly made in Japan!
Since this incense can be used repeatedly, we invite you to enjoy its natural aroma while purifying your space and refreshing your mind.
"Five Symbols That Invite Fortune"
Lotus: "Sacred"
Phoenix: "Auspicious"
Ruyi: "As Desired"
Dragon: "Improving Luck"
Fu: "Happiness"
"Fragrance Lineup to Choose From"
3. Ise Jingu Goyama Sugi: Daily Gratitude, Great Luck, Prosperity, and Blessings
This is part of the large cedar tree at the Naikū (Inner Shrine) of Ise Jingu, where the Yata no Kagami, one of the Three Sacred Treasures, is enshrined. The tree fell during Typhoon No. 18 in 2009.
Ise Jingu consists of the Naikū, which enshrines the great ancestral deity Amaterasu Ōmikami, and the Geku, which enshrines Toyouke Ōmikami, the guardian deity of food, clothing, and shelter.
The cedars that grow and are nurtured in the sacred grounds of Ise Jingu are called "Jingu Sugi" (Ise Shrine Cedars).
As trees within the shrine grounds are not allowed to be cut down, only wind-fallen trees that are over 300 years old and are considered "sacred trees" are occasionally allowed to be circulated as "Goyama Sugi" (Sacred Mountain Cedars), and this is extremely rare.
[Product description]
Contents: Incense 5-motif set (Lotus, Phoenix, Ruyi, Dragon, Fortune)
Burn time: 30–60 minutes
Ingredients: 3. Ise Jingu (Jingu Sugi Cedar) Tabu powder
Important information please be sure to read
Important information please be sure to read
※ This product is an additive-free incense made only from natural ingredients without any artificial fragrances. Because of this, it crumbles very easily, so please be careful when handling it.
Things to note when burning incense
Things to note when burning incense
※ Please be careful when handling fire.
※ Keep out of reach of children and pets.
※ Make sure the fire is extinguished after use.
※ Be careful not to fall asleep or leave the area while using it.
※ When using the incense, do not place flammable objects nearby it.
※ Use on a flat, stable surface that is not affected by wind, and take care to avoid sudden falls due to earthquakes, etc.
It will be shipped within 4 business days.(Monday to Thursday)
Please note that if you make the order on Friday, Sundays, Saturday Japanese public holidays are included, your order will be shipped within 4 business days after the holiday is end.

在日本,我们公司的Japanese Stone 受到很多人的喜爱。 我们是唯一一家拥有日本境内开采的所有石头的公司,我们希望世界各地的人们都能享受这种宝石。 自古以来,日本人的生活与石头就息息相关。 在绳文时代,我们用弓箭和斧头碾碎坚果、打猎。将石头排成一排,做成石圈,向神灵祈祷。随着时间的推移,人类学会了通过制作逗号形珠宝等配饰来“打扮”。后来,人们开始将“园林石”和“盆石(托盘景观基石)”等石头作为爱好,从而形成了一种文化, “石头的用途”也有各种各样的方式,从用石墙来保护人们,到用石块来腌制蔬菜以使其美味可口。 矿物质对身体也有很大的影响。蔬菜的美味还受到土壤、泉水等所含营养物质和矿物质的影响。石头发出的辐射和离子也会影响环境、人类和动物…… 石头与人的缘分,不仅是其他国家的故事,也是日本的历史。 但是,随着时代潮流和需求的变化,日本各地残存的“石文化”正在逐渐消失。 从某种意义上来说,这也许是不可避免的,但是一旦失去了东西或文化,就再也回不去了。 石头的生成需要很长的时间,几百万年,几亿年。地球在漫长岁月中创造的石头正在被文化所遗忘,在某些情况下,面临着被丢弃的危险。...